Doctor Who: The Whovian Review
Come listen to a group of Doctor Who fans that range from recent enthusiast to long time followers. We break down and analyze the most recent episodes trying to figure what could be happening in the future as well as explain the references to the past. Join us in the fun that is Doctor Who!

Thursday Jul 11, 2013
Thursday Jul 11, 2013
In tonight's episode we discuss Michael's family, Jeremy's love for Jo Grant, and the first Fourth Doctor story Robot. Flimsy robots dangle their arms, Benton and the Brig make an appearance, and we also give our two cents on Harry Sullivan and a most beloved Sarah Jane Smith.

Monday Jul 08, 2013
Monday Jul 08, 2013
Tonight we "argue mainly." Ok we really debate the significance of Alpha Centuri, Jo Grant, and a non-menacing Ice Warrior. The Curse of Peladon is dissected, rearranged, and ultimately rated! Will this Jon Pertwee story hold up to the other stories we have rated thus far? Paige is also back for her take on this Intergalactic Adventure. Please feel free to send us your comments or future review choices.

Thursday Jun 27, 2013
Thursday Jun 27, 2013
We take a look at Jon Pertwee's opening story and discuss Autons, Liz Shaw, and special effects. We also have guest rater Paige Keiser along for the ride to give her take. Enjoy!

Thursday Jun 20, 2013
Thursday Jun 20, 2013
We explore the notion that the 12th Doctor could be a female, discuss whether or not there are 90 episodes of Doctor Who being returned to the BBC, and give our take on The Tomb of the Cybermen. Will we have our usual "moo" somewhere within our podcast?!

Thursday Jun 13, 2013
Thursday Jun 13, 2013
SPOILERS!: We explore the Second Doctor story The Evil of the Daleks Reconstruction from Loose Cannon (an authentic look at what the story should have been). We rate the story, check our mail, and try to wake up Jeremy from the boredom of no motion on screen.

Thursday Jun 06, 2013
Thursday Jun 06, 2013
In this epic yet short venture we discuss the news of Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who, Jeremy gives his ideas on Rupert Grint twice, and we list our top three favorite opening theme tunes/title sequence. Will Patrick's black and white sequence make it in, will Tom Baker's dominate the charts? Find out in this thrilling new episode!

Thursday May 30, 2013
Thursday May 30, 2013
In this episode we look back in time to 1963 London, where a certain Police Box is stored at #76 Totters Lane. Ian and Barbara, two school teachers, make history when they force their way into the world of Doctor Who. We also are looking for your votes as to which Patrick Troughton story you wish us to rate and review next week.

Tuesday May 21, 2013
Tuesday May 21, 2013
Clara's secret is revealed, but not the Doctor's in our new Whovian Review Episode. We ponder Who the new Doctor may be, why Madam Vastra and River are so cool, and how much apple pie we should consume. We also appropriately discuss the 8th Doctor for a few seconds.

Tuesday May 14, 2013
Tuesday May 14, 2013
How much money would Michael accept in order to divulge Doctor Who spoilers? Was the Doctor really the enemy in Nightmare in Silver? Will Jeremy ever get better? These questions are never answered in the next episode of The Whovian Review.

Wednesday May 08, 2013
Wednesday May 08, 2013
We dive into the Crimson Horror, a tale of horror, intrigue, and horror. Tonight we discuss the mutilated remains of the fourth horse yet to be, Jenny's intriguing attire, and The Doctor's regenerative colour change. Plot holes aside, we give you our ideas on the characters, and the plot that surrounds them.