Doctor Who: The Whovian Review

Come listen to a group of Doctor Who fans that range from recent enthusiast to long time followers. We break down and analyze the most recent episodes trying to figure what could be happening in the future as well as explain the references to the past. Join us in the fun that is Doctor Who!

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The Whovian Review #25- Rose

Monday Oct 21, 2013

Monday Oct 21, 2013

We rate and discuss the very first episode of the newest Doctor Who series. Was this the opening Paul McGann should have had? Did Christopher Eccelston impress Michael or Jeremy? Where does this fit in the scheme of opening episodes? Feel free to let us know which Eccelston story you would like us to discuss next week. (We are on Facebook and Twitter). Music from Doctor Who is composed by Ron Grainer, Delia Derbyshire, and Murray Gold.

Wednesday Oct 16, 2013

Craig, Michael, Jeremy and Michael's son Jeremy help give their three cents on this very expensive, and posh designed intro to the Eighth Doctor. Paul McGann is the new Doctor, and Eric Roberts is "dressed" for the Master. We go into our ideas on the half human concept, and try to explain it away. Also we get a child's perspective of Doctor Who! Enjoy!

Wednesday Oct 16, 2013

The podcast is back after a small hiatus and we dive straight into the first Paul McGann audio story from Big Finish. The Doctor lands on the R101 in 1930 after battling against time eating Vortisaurs. Will we enjoy this new format? Does Paul Mcgann shine as the Doctor again. And what is the really cool news just shared today by the BBC?

Thursday Sep 12, 2013

Tonight we end Season 24 with the disgusting and the hopeless. We explore the show's worst cliffhanger, the writing (or lack thereof), and Mel's graceful and much wanted departure. (OK, we admit she had a good exit). Still, we finally hit a new low in the show's history, one that seems to be dangling off the edge of a cliff.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2013

Michael and Jeremy rate the first story involving Doctor number 7. Sylvester McCoy dons his question mark sweater, Mel screams her way into Jeremy's heart, and the multi-colored coat seems to hang on for the entire first episode. Will Jeremy like this story? We give our umbrella's worth before we shed the coat and sport saddle shoes just for comfort.

Thursday Aug 15, 2013

Tonight we rate the final story for Series 22. Will the DJ be the death of Jeremy? Will Craig end up as protein for his brother? Or will Michael actually rate this story a 10?! There are strange things going on out there!

Thursday Aug 08, 2013

Continuing our tradition of rating the first story from each Doctor, we take a look at one of Doctor Who's boldest stories. Does this story deserve any credit? Does it live up to its reputation as being the worst Doctor Who story of all time? Will Jeremy rate this story below a 2? Craig joins us during the rating of this story, one that makes black and white television look good.

Thursday Aug 01, 2013

A hot and sizzling Podcast review of the Fifth Doctor's penultimate adventure. Is Peri a well-rounded companion? How does Howard the Duck have anything to do with our conversation?! And does our friend Craig have any sympathy for this classic 1984 Doctor Who story?!

Thursday Jul 25, 2013

Tonight we dive into the 80's with Peter Davison's first story as the Doctor, Castrovalva. Stacy joins in on this story and podcast review. Will Jeremy think highly of the Fifth Doctor, a Doctor he has never seen? Will Michael go first with his review? Will Stacy remember this story from her childhood? Find out in this week's very fun episode!

Thursday Jul 18, 2013

Tonight we discuss the story City of Death. What is a Jagaroth? Will Michael ever remember that the woman in this story is referred to the Countess, and will we make it under 30 minutes of commentary?! These pressing questions are answered and ignored in our next episode of The Whovian Review!

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