Doctor Who: The Whovian Review
Come listen to a group of Doctor Who fans that range from recent enthusiast to long time followers. We break down and analyze the most recent episodes trying to figure what could be happening in the future as well as explain the references to the past. Join us in the fun that is Doctor Who!

Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
We dive into the epic Trial of a Timelord staring Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant in The Mysterious Planet. Will we like Robert Holmes last full script? Will Colin's coat detract from the storyline? Or will this be a surprisingly loved episode by all three of us?! Find out in the latest episode!

Saturday Aug 22, 2015
Saturday Aug 22, 2015
We listen to the first Lost Story from the Missing Adventures of Season 23, The Nightmare Fair. Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant star in this four part audio adventure which also brings back the Celestial Toymaker from the First Doctor era. How does this work as an audio story, and is worth a listen?

Monday Jun 08, 2015
Monday Jun 08, 2015
We go back in time to 1966 to learn the fate of the First Doctor in his battle against a unique foe in the universe. This will be a two part excursion into the world of the Celestial Toymaker, one who delights in deadly games, and having his own way. What was our opinion of this character, and this mostly lost story? Check in next week as we explore The Nightmare Fair audio adventure with Doctor #6!

Monday Apr 27, 2015
Monday Apr 27, 2015
We check out the latest Doctor Who episode from December 25th, and wonder what and where the tangerine came from. Without spoilers we will leave it at that, but if you have seen the last episode then you should have fun with our face huggers, er dream catchers, er... oh never mind.

Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
We check out the general opinion of this tale filled with Spiders, an egg, the moon, Clara, and a colony on the moon. Speaking of Clara, we will get to see her again in the next series of Doctor Who!

Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Michael and Shelby discuss their favorite villains from Doctor Who's fifty year history. Will the Slitheen make our lists? Will the Daleks be exterminated out of the top ten? Please share your top ten list with us via Facebook, Twitter, or at

Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
It has been awhile but the gang is back together and here to review The Caretaker. Forgive some of the audio issues as we've recently had to change the way we're doing things. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Wednesday Dec 10, 2014
Wednesday Dec 10, 2014
Shelby and Michael go through their top 10 destinations where the TARDIS has taken the Doctor er... or is it the other way around? We look at classic and New Who and decide what locations we enjoyed the most.

Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Jeremy finally returns to the podcast after dealing with a political career (top secret stuff). We discuss the futuristic and fun episode starring Peter Capaldi as the Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara. Will Jeremy have soup for brains? Did anyone write in with comments? We will have to listen to find out!
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Wednesday Oct 29, 2014
Wednesday Oct 29, 2014
Shelby and Michael are terrified by the fourth episode of series 8! The Doctor embarks on a quest to find the answer to his own fears. He stipulates that there may be creatures that we cannot sense, but can sense us. His big question becomes what would these entities do? After the Whovian Review team share the fears of the Doctor, we share our own fears, and thoughts on this intriguing episode.