Doctor Who: The Whovian Review
Come listen to a group of Doctor Who fans that range from recent enthusiast to long time followers. We break down and analyze the most recent episodes trying to figure what could be happening in the future as well as explain the references to the past. Join us in the fun that is Doctor Who!

Wednesday May 03, 2017
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Before we fall through the ice and forget our own names we must get this review out (before the knocking comes and haunts our souls). This review explores the themes and fish of the Series 10 story Thin Ice. Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie are dressed for success, and so will this podcast be if we get it out in time.

Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Robots bent on global happiness: it can only end in tears. The Doctor and Bill visit a city ruled by emoji-bots who kill those "infected" by grief and sadness

Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Introducing Bill!!! We travel all around the universe trying to escape Jeremy's oil ghost, but don't seem to find him in time to podcast. The Pilot is polished, watched, and reviewed in our usual haphazard mode of criticism.

Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
The sixth Doctor visits Varos, a distant planet that contains Zeiton-7, which he needs to power his TARDIS. This is when he's thrust into political mayhem and mystery via reality TV, while Peri is thrust into shapeshifting threats of destruction.

Monday Feb 06, 2017
Monday Feb 06, 2017
Michael and Jeremy sit down and take a look at this classic Jon
Pertwee story from 1971. Intrigue and mayhem are abounding in this
unique story that brings the Doctor to face his greatest fears. The
Keller Machine is used to extract evil and sinister thoughts from the
minds of criminals.

Monday Jan 30, 2017
Monday Jan 30, 2017
The pods are falling from the sky and TMAT, the human race, nor
Fewsham are able to save the day! Maybe this calls for a Doctor, or
maybe a podcast of friends?! Will the Doctor be able to rocket his way
to the moon to avoid a fungal infection? Will Jeremy be able to
finally say goodbye last? And will Jeremy's doppelgänger be able to
make an appearance again?

Monday Jan 02, 2017
Monday Jan 02, 2017
The Doctor inadvertently creates a superhero. Aliens who've invaded Earth stage an alien invasion of Earth. Male nanny rescues damsel in distress. Typical Doctor Who Christmas.

Monday Jan 02, 2017
Monday Jan 02, 2017
Jeremy returns to our podcast in this raving review of the classic
Hartnell story. We discover the Doctor's gleeful silly side, and
notice that this story was made with a sense of humor. But did the
story far short in delivering its humor? Find out in this fun episode
of The Whovian Review!

Thursday Jan 21, 2016
Thursday Jan 21, 2016
The Doctor shows up on River's doorstep with a new haircut and a suit. He takes her to the Singing Towers of Darillium (the long way round).

Wednesday Dec 16, 2015
Wednesday Dec 16, 2015
At very long last, the Doctor returns to Gallifrey, bent on vengeance. Here is our take on the Series 9 finale.