Doctor Who: The Whovian Review

Come listen to a group of Doctor Who fans that range from recent enthusiast to long time followers. We break down and analyze the most recent episodes trying to figure what could be happening in the future as well as explain the references to the past. Join us in the fun that is Doctor Who!

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Wednesday Feb 06, 2019

Father Octavian and the Doctor get into a battle of insults while an angel, the weeping kind, wreaks havoc on Amy's eyes, River's composure, and a band of soldiers who are sent to their deaths one at a time. Classic horror trope meets our review and opinions and we are not sure which will end up on top.

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019

Professor Bracewell's green Ironsides may help Winston Churchill win the War, but which one?! It doesn't help that the Ironsides are really aliens from a race of creatures who hate all other creatures in the universe. The pepper pots are back with their wave of destruction, prideful colors, and some Earl Gray ready for your herbal needs. Find out if this one wins our hearts, or wins the day. Actually, the title already explains the outcome.

Friday Jan 25, 2019

After being coated in sick, the Doctor and Amy discover a tortured star whale piloting the Starship UK through space. Liz 10 is on board as a very ineffective leader since she constantly loses her memory, but the bigger question is, "Does Liz 10 shy away from silver bullets?!" Don't forget the child is crying.

Wednesday Jan 16, 2019

While driving in the car to the Metro (Wasington DC), Shelby and Michael embark on a podcasting adventure of a Cybernetic kind. Danny comes to the rescue while Missy shows Osgood a humorous side. The Doctor takes charge of the world, and the Brigadier ends up on the inside of a posh Boeing 737 courtesy of a rather amazing portrait. If you are still following, you must be a Time Lord!

Thursday Jan 10, 2019

We go back to the Eighth Series Penultimate adventure with 12 and Clara going on a journey to . Seriously, they try. Clara tries to destroy the Doctor's chances of entering his TARDIS, Danny finds another meaning of life, and Missy finally reveals her best secret: she is really good at her own Welcome package to the 3W!

Saturday Jan 05, 2019

A Dalek makes its New Years resolution to destroy all life on Earth, again. Mitch resolves to kiss Lynn again, and Lynn wishes to remove the Dalek from her spinal column. Ryan reunites with his father and forgives him while Graham's wish is to build himself a new chair for his living room. The Doctor's resolution is to protect Earth, again; while Yaz has absolutely nothing to do whatsoever (again). Shelby and Michael's resolution is to find the true meaning of the rel.

Friday Dec 14, 2018

A mind altering planet that only alters Paltraki's mind is the setting for tonights non-mind altering episode. We look back at the first two episodes as they are revisited in this episode. Do we like this episode? Does Yaz finally get to have a big role along side her other companions? Well, you'll have to listen to us to find out!

Friday Dec 07, 2018

Shelby and Michael are joined by Kelsey, Colin, Karl and Jeremy for this episode of widely controversial ratings. A monster lurks in the woods, anti-zone moths strip the flesh off Ribbons, and the Doctor breaks up with a sentient universe. So much happens in this episode, we can't scratch the surface in a description, so you'll just have to listen to the podcast!

Wednesday Nov 28, 2018

Burn the witch! Shelby and Michael discuss the witches, royalty and mud-zombies that run rampant through this episode.

The Whovian Review #111- Kerblam!

Wednesday Nov 21, 2018

Wednesday Nov 21, 2018

Shelby and Michael welcome Jeremy back as they discuss this episode about a mysterious plea for help from Kerblam, the number one distribution company any moon could house. Will Kira get the gift of a lifetime? Will Ryan be able to jump? Will The Doctor get to ride on a conveyer belt? Listen.

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