Doctor Who: The Whovian Review

Come listen to a group of Doctor Who fans that range from recent enthusiast to long time followers. We break down and analyze the most recent episodes trying to figure what could be happening in the future as well as explain the references to the past. Join us in the fun that is Doctor Who!

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Thursday Apr 18, 2019

Follow Shelby and Michael on an amazing long adventure to our sofa and listen as we explain why we are absent from time and space for the next two weeks. Of course you may also meet us if you happen to be on the East Coast of the United States. We will be presenting "The Women of Doctor Who" at Awesome Con Saturday April 27, 2019 at 4:30pm in room 102. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019

Amy's not dead. Well she is now, but she won't be. The Doctor is in the Pandorica, but he is also right here in front of Rory with a mop, a fez, and a screwdriver. Fez's are cool. River disagrees, and escapes the exploding TARDIS thanks to the time vortex manipulator, and Rory stands around for almost 2,000 years! Some may be confused, but "this is where it gets complicated."

Wednesday Apr 03, 2019

So: When in Rome, the Romans turn into Autons, Rory is reincarnated as an Auton and although Amy does not remember him, she does. River is trapped in an exploding TARDIS after piloting it to Amy's childhood home, The Doctor is placed in a big box. The Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Silurians, and every other creature from the Doctor's past form an alliance, and somehow Vincent van Gough gets a painting to the Doctor through Liz 10, Winston Churchill, and River Songs hallucinogenic lipstick. And if that isn't enough, horses are taking plastic Roman soldiers into battle against all of the alien races, but an epic speech sends all of those alien's away. What a speech!

Monday Mar 25, 2019

Colin and Kelsey join us as we become roomies to James Corden's Craig who is in love with Sophie, who is in love with Craig but thinks the Doctor is hot after he dons a towel and a toothbrush. Amy is forced out of this episode while the TARDIS keeps her in all of time and space and this leaves the Doctor to solve the mystery of the housemate upstairs. Will Craig finally tell Sophie his fondling those keys? Will Sophie start caring for monkeys, and will the Doctor be a good lodger?!

Thursday Mar 21, 2019

The Ultimate "Ginge" team of Vincent and Amy convince the Doctor to bring Vincent forward in time to confront his own collection of paintings, and a bow tied Bill Nighy who describes in exquisite detail how awesome Vincent van Gogh really is. The real question is can Bill Nighy's Dr. Black pronounce Vincent's last name correctly. Meanwhile Colin and Kelsey struggle with this same problem while Michael and Shelby gush over the artistic nature of this episode. If that's not enough, we even had a pile of bad things swept up off the floor.

Thursday Mar 14, 2019

Mayhem ensues when Malokeh attempts to dissect a very awake Amy, Mo tries to wake up his son, Ambrose believes torture by taser as an effective interview technique, and Tony may just as well sell his soul by allowing Alaya to escape. The Doctor faces negotiating techniques with the Silurians (again) and fails (again) when he gives up the negotiator role and hands it over to Amy and Nasreen. Will we be able to make sense of this episode or will our minds be erased from time and space for good?!

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019

In the gorgeous rolling hills of Whales, Homoreptilians from the dawn of time are digging in the wrong direction from within the Earth's Crust while Amy and Mo are consumed by a mound of dirt with nothing below?! The Doctor pulls together the ultimate surveillance system in only 8 minutes and Shelby and Michael are left wondering if Ambrose should be a character found in the Jodie Whitaker era! Come join us for the next Series Five episode from the Matt Smith era!

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019

Come dream with Colin, Shelby, Kelsey, and Michael as we wake up in a world of dreams. Amy Pond must choose which reality is the correct one in a story where the only reality is that there isn't any reality. In a spooky way, we must tackle topics such as the elderly, pregnancy, and THAT pony tail. Hopefully we don't all fall asleep rating this unreal story. Chirp Chirp! ZZZZZZZZ

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019

The Doctor bursts out of Rory's Bachelor cake to drag him back in time to Venice in 1580, with Amy, to battle against fish people. Er, lobster people?! Colin, Kelsey, Shelbie and Michael discuss this tale of vampire mayhem, even though there are no vampires at all in this story. Will Francesco get his daughter Isabella back? Will Rory find a bigger flashlight? Will Shelby find her boys? Lets see how we like this tale of a very odd wedding present for three.

Friday Feb 15, 2019

Father Octavian leaves Crispin and Phillips, er no, Pedro, I mean just Marco to watch over Amy while The Doctor, River, and Octavian go in search of the ships bridge in a long chase sequence. Will Amy be able to survive the Weeping Angel in her eye? Will the Doctor be able to get Angel Bob to say, "comfy chairs?" Will Shelby and Michael be able to trust each other? Hope you enjoy part two of this podcast.

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