Doctor Who: The Whovian Review
Come listen to a group of Doctor Who fans that range from recent enthusiast to long time followers. We break down and analyze the most recent episodes trying to figure what could be happening in the future as well as explain the references to the past. Join us in the fun that is Doctor Who!

Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
We journey to New Earth [New (times 15) York to be more specific] to join up with some familiar faces, skin, and metallic spider creatures. Chip's shoulder is falling apart as he helps his Lady Cassandra steal a body, find a way to extort a fortune from the hospital staff, and escape the hospital basement in which they reside. In doing so pandemonium ensues when zombie like flesh is released from the Matrix of the Sick hidden in the hospital walls. Kelsey gets to see her very first David Tennant story too.

Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
As the Moxx of Balhoon annoys Kelsey, Jabe throws out her branches and enters Shelby's heart. The Steward has trouble with his buttons while Rose has trouble with the many aliens watching her home world roast. And the fact that she just ran off with a strange man 5 billion years into the future begs the question where her priorities lie. We all check out Kelsey's first Christopher Eccleston episode.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Do they actually say, "Yo ho ho?" The curse for watching this episode is not understanding why they don't simply turn of the lights. However that may trigger a Vastra Nerada attack. We grow out our beards and start speaking pirate while we take on this light hearted episode that attempts to kill Rory, kill off the Captains young son, and anger a hologramatic psiren who will turn into a demon in order to "protect" her patients. Man I'd hate to see the insurance bill!

Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Kelsey chooses her first classic story to watch: Peter Davison's final adventure. Peri and the Doctor stumble into a Spectrox nest, and acquire a deadly rash. The problem is that the only cure is down in the depths of tunnels carved out by boiling hot mud. Okay, another problem is that the military from Androzani Major believe the Doctor and Peri are gun running and sentence them to death. Oh, and Sharez Jek wants Peri to be his bride, his androids will kill them on sight, Morgus wants them dead, Stotz delights in their suffering, and the mud bursts start destroying the tunnel systems as well. Phew! Will we all get away from Androzani Minor?

Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
We revisit this rather epic episode that takes place in Utah, Florida, a giant cube, the Moon, Washington D.C., Outer Space, and various parts of the world! Canton Delaware the Third "assassinates" our entire TARDIS crew, River goes all Rambo on the alien "menace," and Kelsey finds her compassion for the creepy Silence. Anyone have a Sharpie?!

Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Take 2! We rereview The Impossible Astronaut as Kelsey, Colin, nor Shelby have had a chance to share their thoughts on this first episode from Series 6. Silence falls on Michael who gets sidelined almost as bad as Yaz from the current series due to a lack of vocal chords. Will Colin remember anything about these villians? Will Kelsey like Amy a bit more? Thank you for listening!

Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
The Ultimate Foe is revealed to be (surprisingly?) the ebony wearing Valeyard who turns out to be the Doctor, but not The Doctor as he is really an amalgamation of the Doctor's darker side (with that coat i didn't know there was a dark side). We talk up the pros and cons to this epic ending and find the good and the bad within the storyline. Epic speeches, sidelined companions, Sabalom Glitz, Time Lords, Over the top adversaries, an inquisitive Inquisitor, and the catharsis of spurious morality ensue to bring this story to a close.

Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
The Doctor is on trial for his life, and so he must proove that he is a better Time Lord by presenting evidence from events that have not even happened yet! Timey Wimey! Will Professor Lasky get the Doctor arrested? Will the security guard Rudge get his retirement? Will Shelby and Michael be able to retire from yet another plot line? Our review of this murder mystery will certainly try to explain some of these points. "Try" being the operative word.

Saturday May 04, 2019
Saturday May 04, 2019
Going back to the 1960's we take a look at the 8 part epic The Invasion. Patrick Troughton's Doctor must face Cybermen, Tobias Vaughn, and his really bad security officer Packer. Isobel Watkins is also looking for her father Professor Watkins who has met with the Doctor before. Zoe shows off her genius skills in 30 seconds while Michael and Shelby grow into the couch after sitting through all 4 hours of this story!

Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
The Whovian Review's presentation of the Women of Doctor Who at Awesome Con 2019.
From 1963 through today, women have played a prominent role in Doctor Who. We will look at how the role of women has evolved throughout the history of the program: from shrieking damsels in distress to strong heroines and even to the Doctor herself. We will also discuss the importance that women have played in the show, including rescuing the Doctor, being rescued by the Doctor, and challenging the Doctor in times of crisis.