Doctor Who: The Whovian Review
Come listen to a group of Doctor Who fans that range from recent enthusiast to long time followers. We break down and analyze the most recent episodes trying to figure what could be happening in the future as well as explain the references to the past. Join us in the fun that is Doctor Who!

Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
C and O from MI6 "assist" the Doctor and her fam in a super spy roller coaster event. Spies, aliens that defy our 3 dimensions, motorcycle rides, airplane heists, car chases, killer cars from MI6, running, a whole lot of running, critical interviews, not so critical photographers, flying houses, and Stephen Fry all come together for our wild episode ride.

Saturday Dec 28, 2019
Saturday Dec 28, 2019
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe have their minds robbed as they escape the oncoming lava that swallows up the TARDIS by using a big button that when pushed takes them nowhere. Shelby and Michael might be hypnotized by Medusa's stare and the dizzying robot mind melding devices, but we get through all 5 episodes unscathed. Maybe Gulliver will hook up with Rapunzel after the computer folds.

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Regrowing limbs, blood control, killer Christmas trees, UNIT majors, very known Prime Ministers, Independence Day like moments, Jackie Tyler's special tea, killer Santas: what else could you ask for from a Christmas special? Michael wonders if the pilot fish Santas are necessary. Kelsey is actually excited for the rest of the season. It's a Christmas miracle!

Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
The Doctor, Rose, Capt. Jack, Mickey, Jackie, Lynda, Roderick, and Anne Droid all return to face their own fate, or create it for the epic finale to Series 1. We discuss Christopher Eccleston's Swan Song as Kelsey tries to figure out what Bad Wolf is all about. The Daleks are led by an egotistical "God," much like the TARDIS and Rose turns into a God-like creature to rid the universe of these dust bins. Even Jackie gets into the action by bringing over a huge truck from her previous boyfriend! Enjoy.

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Captain Jack gets a makeover, The Doctor sits in Big Brother's big red chair, and Rose plays against Roderick in the Weakest Link! The problem is that it doesn't end well for those who lose their game, their vote, or even their head! As the TARDIS crew try to escape their deadly traps, the Controller(not the BBC controller) tries to get a message to the Doctor before being zapped across time and space and exterminated. We rate the penultimate episode of Series 1.

Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Colin and Michael dive head first into the dark abyss known as Torchwood. We discuss the first episode introducing us to characters Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, Owen Harper, and reintroducing Captain Jack Harkness and Dr. Toshika Sato(both from Doctor Who). Will we be hiding behind the sofa on this more adult version of Doctor Who? And what is a Weevil anyway?!

Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Blink once and you are scared. Blink twice and you have Colin, Kelsey, and finally Shelby able to weigh in before they are sent hurtling back in time to live a very different life. Life is short and you all are hot, but we decide to discuss Billy Shipton's plight, Cathy Nightengale's fate, and the famous Sally Sparrow's unique interest in breaking into Wester Drumlins (a haunted house). But wait, where is the Doctor and Martha in this story?

Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Poison darts, bad breath, intergalactic surf boards, and skin suits made for big green aliens come together to bring this tale of love and honor... er... nuclear power plant plans over a rift in time and space?! This brings back Margaret of the Slitheen family, and Mickey who make this such an riveting episode. But what is our take on it.

Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
After getting our dancing shoes on we take turns figuring out who will dance with the Doctor himself. Dr. Constantine dances with an older woman who grew her leg back, Jamie dances with the Doctor when he is thrust into the air, Rose dances with Jack, the Doctor and Kelsey tries dancing with Shelby. Finally, this finale concludes with Jack dancing with literally everyone including the TARDIS.

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Are you my mummy? Tonight we catch a ride on a piece of rope through the London Blitz. Dodging World War II aircraft, buildings and a really hot Captain allows us to finally come to terms with whether or not this episode of horror, intrigue and mystery was worth our time (and space).