Doctor Who: The Whovian Review
Come listen to a group of Doctor Who fans that range from recent enthusiast to long time followers. We break down and analyze the most recent episodes trying to figure what could be happening in the future as well as explain the references to the past. Join us in the fun that is Doctor Who!

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
If you replace every part of an umbrella over time, is it still the same umbrella? Are Auntie and Uncle still the same people who were stranded on House, the sentient asteroid? Will Kelsey ever get over her hatred of Amy enough to pay attention to the rest of the episode? Our podcast team is back (virtually) in this time of peril to bring you our review of the episode that takes us into the very soul of the TARDIS herself!

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Well, where to start? Bescot dies while trying to give the others a chance to escape the Cybermen onslaught. Graham and Yaz decide to try on Cyber suits for a new fashion statement that will help them escape, while the Doctor is dragged into the Matrix, and no, not that one. The Master gets crazier while Kelsey's eye rolls become more prominent. Graham says some beautiful words to Yaz while Shelby's heart melts. Colin enjoys some much needed plot holes, and Michael can't explain some of the time-y wimeyness of this episode. Enjoy.

Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Yaz and Graham step up their game on a rackety old spaceship that is breaking down in the middle of a Cyberman war zone. The Doctor, Ryan, and Ethan run straight into the Master while fleeing the Cybermen in a Cybership. And Brendan grows up in a seemingly Irish countryside as a police officer and cannot die after falling off a cliff?! The relationship between these two stories has not been reveled, however, we give it our best in determining the outcome of these mysteries! And yet the name Earthshock springs to mind!

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Lets join The Doctor, Yaz, Graham, Ryan, Claire, Lord Byron, Mary, John, Percy, and the Butler in a house where nobody can actually get anywhere due to an overactive perception filter that traps our three groups of people throughout the house. Well all except John who walks through walls thanks to his sleep walking skills. Enter a lone Cyberman with a baby, and then things get really weird. And just who is the Guardian?

Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Come get sonic screwdrivered in an episode where Freddy, er Zellin, forgets his glove of knives, and uses his dismembered fingers to grab the nightmares from us humans and transmit them to his long lost fellow nightmare grabbing demigod, or immortal who is trapped across the universe between two planets. Somehow Graham dreams about the prisoner Rakaya, while Yaz is in a nightmare where she is stranded in the middle of a street for all eternity. In the end Freddy gets fingered.

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Praxeus. Plastic strikes again as the Doctor and her companions split up across the globe to piece together the deep connection between three seemingly random events. Could it be the Autons? Or could it be the talking cat from Ontario? We discuss the ramifications of being politically motivated, educated, and completely missing from the story for no apparent reason. Here we go again!

Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
A whirlwind of timey wimey events that include Graham being kissed by Captain Jack, The Doctor meeting herself?!, and the Judoon assassinating a companion?! This episode has the adrenaline of a 4000 pound rhino charging the TARDIS at full speed! Will we survive to the end these ratings? Who knows…

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
1903. Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Queen Skithra, Dorothy Skerritt find a wonderful way to sideline Ryan and Graham from the basic story, but also thrill and entertain all 6 of us on the podcast tonight. The Doctor is rude to Thomas Edison, Thomas Edison is rude to Tesla, and man Skithra is extremely rude to everyone while trying to employ Tesla as her ships engineer. Next she will be asking him to beam her up and down from the ship. Another historical classic?

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Green haired Oompa Lumpas, Orphaned children on Orphan 55, Very scary humans with T Rex sized teeth and potentially very bad breath, an elderly couple trying to get engaged, and a virus that looks like a red worm running through your system all come together for a thrilling adventure in a vacationing spot out in the middle of nowhere on a dead planet with no means of escape. A typical day for the TARDIS crew.

Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Ada Lovelace and Noor Inayat Khan assist the Doctor in finding a way to get back to her fam and save them from a crashing airplane. Daniel Barton is a human hard drive hybrid who does not succeed in taking over the entire planet through the use of the mysterious, multi-dimensional Kasaavins. Charles Babbage, World War 2 France, Mind controlling and body inheriting cell phones, the Eiffel Tower, Gallifrey, disguised Masters, and planetary destruction all comes together only to go where?!